Testimonial >> Parent

Ms. Michelle - Malaysia 11:21 17.08.2015
Mommy, I want to improve my drawing, can you enrol me in globalart?” My son, Ian, said to me when he was about 4 plus. Of course as a mother, I would not want to turn down his request, especially if it is beneficial to him. That’s how Ian started his journey with globalart. In the past 2 years, Ian had developed skills in both drawing and colouring with oil pastel. globalart allows every individual to pick up the skills at their own pace. It also offers students the opportunity to take part in competition  locally and abroad. In 2011, Ian took part in the Singapore Global Art competition and emerged 1st runner-up in his category. He was given the opportunity to compete at the International level in Vietnam. Here, I would like to stress that it is not so much about competing, but the experience a child can draw from such competition. This experience was very valuable as it has enhanced Ian’s self esteem and confidence, at the same time, exposing him to ‘proper time management’ and ‘good sportsmanship’.
GlobalArt Ha Noi
GlobalArt Ha Noi